Thursday, November 10, 2011

Participant opinions:

Vasil Angelov:
“The Youth exchange helped me a lot to learn how to communicate. I don’t look the same at home and I will be glad if I bring at least a little spark at home. Expanded my mind“

Redi Muci:
“Got a basic understanding of how to use caving equipment and a first impression of cave exploration. Learned new things about team work, solidarity among cavers, responsibility and new ways to digest information faster.”

Erjola Hoxha:
“We learned a lot of new things. I found that I can do more than I expected from myself. I learned a lot for caving, climbing, exchange from each other, a lot of words in Bulgarian“

Gergana Todorova:
“It was very useful, because of the idea of learning by doing, exchange own experience and the games which make many people like a team. I was learning while I was teaching the Albanian participant”
no-name :
“I learned things that I not only didn’t know before but also things that I had never heard about like speleology. I also learned how to work in groups with people very different from you. And we learned all these stuff by paling”

no-name :
I learned a lot about myslef and learned how powerful communication can be. Got to know different customs, culture, personalities in action. This was my first YE - everything was a challenge for me. Being myslef in a tottaly new environemtn. Passing my knowledge sharing my ideas - exchanging, being one of Bul-bania's citiznes :)  I lived it